Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our Vision For The City Of Miami

I would like to take this opportunity to personally to thank you for supporting me for Mayor of the City of Miami. In a recent straw poll seventy percent of our citizens overwhelmingly said they would welcome a new face and change in City politics.
For more than one hundred fifteen years. The city of Miami has opened its doors to people all over the world making it one of the most cherished destinations in the world. When Julia Tuttle asked Henry Flagler to bring his railroad to Miami, she never envisioned she was changing the way the world saw Miami.

Like so many other cities South Florida and Miami in particular is a place treasured by our citizens. It makes a profound difference in people's lives to know that their city is safe, prosperous and vibrant.
But during these tough times, all our city's jobless claims have been steadily on the rise.
Government data shows the category known as personal transfer receipts. Which literally means entitlements to citizens who are unemployed cost local governments 40 Billion dollars of the 237 billion earned by South Florida residents. This calculates to 17% of the regional income.
The unemployment situation in South Florida is an economical disaster. Yet still the City of Miami recently spent 515 million dollars of tax payers’ dollars on a new baseball stadium.

We have come far with the involvement of our business, civic, faith-based, neighborhood, non-profit and foundation communities and it is important that they remain strong and vibrant in the community .

I come before you today humbled at the opportunity to serve as the next Mayor of Miami. I am energized and ready to tackle the serious challenges we face, to keep Miami moving forward.

Although we have much to accomplish in bringing the city back together so it can be a better place to live, work and raise a family when I become Mayor. There are things we can do right now to begin this process.

The challenges we face today are greater than ever -- from the worst economic recession in modern times to an epidemic of violence that is needlessly killing our children on the streets of Miami.

But, even though we're facing difficult times, I am confident we will get through them and that Miami will emerge stronger for it, just as we always have.

Our city and our people are resilient and resourceful. The Citizens of Miami are tough and innovative and can weather any challenge, regardless of how great.

After all in 1896 after becoming incorporated we fought through the great depression and several major Hurricanes only to land our feet and thrive again.
These tough times demand that we roll up our sleeves and redouble our commitment to address our challenges head on.
Because the measure of government isn’t how we as citizens perform when times are good, but how we respond when times are hard.

I love this great City and I want all our citizens to be successful and have a good life. When we fall short -- as we sometimes will -- I want us to do better. It's important to me as a leader that the people of Miami have confidence in the way that we live our lives with, values and respect and morals. That our children know we're doing our best to serve them honestly and openly.

I have no fear we are up to the challenges ahead. I’m confident of that we will win the next Mayoral elections.

When I become Mayor of this great City, we will have improved schools, better attendance and graduation rates and more of our young people going to college. Test scores for many of our students will improve year by year under my watch.

Right now many of you are being asked to do more with less. My promise to you as your Mayor will be to cut spending and implement new management improvements to protect taxpayers and do more with less. To cut  taxes. In fact, in the midst of the worst economic crisis in modern history, people are upset about a lot of things.

They’re worried that they might lose their job, their home, their health insurance.

They won’t be able to pay off student loans or take a vacation.

They want to know we get all we can from every tax dollar and manage government prudently and transparently, and they want to know that our streets are safe. I will take the guns off our streets and reduced homicides from all-time highs.

As you know gun violence continues to escalate and an epidemic of youth-on-youth violence is tearing some neighborhoods apart as you Mayor I will put an end to this needless violence. As your Mayor I will create 25,000 new jobs in my first year. Through expansion, new investments and creativity.

For many of us the nation's recession has meant jobs lost, homes foreclosed and livelihoods threatened. Right now far too many in our city, our state and across our country are struggling or out of work. As I walk the streets and listen to your stories it's heartbreaking to talk with someone who has always followed the rules and worked hard, but has lost a job, a home or their life savings.

It's my job when I become Mayor to secure the future, jobs, schools, health care, cost of living, taxes, and security. It is my job to say I have met these challenges and surpassed the expectations and deliver on my promises.
I am Jeff Benjamin and I’m  running for Mayor City Of Miami


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