Thursday, September 15, 2011

Q & A with Jeff Benjamin running for Mayor City Of Miami


So why are you running for Mayor

Because I have a fundamental different view on politics and what the City Of Miami needs
Explain to us
It goes beyond waking up every day and accepting the status quo or building a tunnel when our children in public schools don’t have books or can’t eat lunch
So you are running as a Democrat or on their platform
I am running on the platform of what the residents of the City Of Miami needs.
I don’t subscribe to Democratic values or Republican ideologies, what is best for the people and the children who live in our communities. Good education with a solid foundation, Jobs for the unemployed and safe neighborhoods.
What do you think of the firing of Police Chief  Miguel Exposito by the City Commission and Mayor Regalado.
In 2009 Mayor Regalado supported Miguel Exposito for Chief of Police and so did the Commission. To put it mildly it’s the same old suit from 1974, now being worn by the same people from 1974 Nothing will change until 2013.
I don’t think that is putting it mildly are you throwing down the gauntlet
I don’t want to appear facetious or make this a trivial matter but there is no gauntlet to be thrown. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck…99% of the times it’s a duck.
So you are going to be the perfect Mayor for The City of Miami
I cringe at the mention of the word perfection because I am far from it. I get tickets from the police like anyone else; I’ve made numerous mistakes in life. The difference is I take responsibility and if I don’t know I don’t pretend to. I seek out those who do know and then try and make a difference. Never mistake knowledge for wisdom

So you an author what type of writing do you do
I write non-fiction stories based on true events
I wrote   Juvenile Injustice The Chicago Story   based on conviction and my belief it was a travesty and miscarriage of justice
So were you right or wrong in your conviction and belief
As I have gotten older and after taking a couple of law classes at Ohio State University, the realization set in, there really is no right or wrong in these things. What their needs to be is preventative measures put in place to avoid the destruction of our children. Which was eventually done in this case.

What do you think of crime and Miami’s Police department

Fortunately I have had the experience to live in other cities and I can say with absolute conviction the majority of the 1,100 member police force in The City Of Miami are good cops and they try their best to keep crime down. I see them on Patrol in Coconut Grove and other areas of the City. I know several of them by first name. I have seen firsthand how they treat people on the streets and by far and large they do a great job. Of course in every organization there are a few bad apples but they do not represent the majority of the men and women who protect and serve our city.
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us and we look forward to hearing more from you.
It was pleasure thank you

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