Thursday, January 5, 2012


Let me say this past year has been an absolute roller coast ride and with each step we get closer to the mountain top. I am profoundly honored to be running for City Mayor Of Miami.
When we met a few months  ago, it was your vigor and passion that propelled me to where I am now. I said to you then I had a good representation, today I say now unequivocally, I have the best representation and campaign.
There are challenging times ahead and like most and every Campaign the fuel that makes the engine run is donations. My campaign and it’s administration has been able to carry on in no small measure because of contributions from many of you. A number of you have served in important decision making positions and I thank you all.
When I wrote Juvenile Injustice The Chicago Story based on the Ryan Harris murder .
I was one of the few activist along with then community activist President Obama who believed in the innocence of the two young boys seven and eight accused of the murder. But with the help of Judge Eugene Pincham
The Ryan Harris Story helped change laws in Illinois to protect Juveniles and the innocent. At times I have been on the leading edge and occasionally on the receiving end of these battles. But I am always willing to stand up against a Judicial System I absolutely believe in. (Rule Of Law)
Championing the causes of those less fortunate. Willing to fight the good fight against those, who would subject the less fortunate to unfair labor practices. To protect the middle class, to stand up against ruthless institutions , who prey on the disenfranchised. This year we will face many major battles together and emerge victorious and battle tested.
And I come here at the beginning of this New Year 2012  with good news and bad news.
The good news is that :
I am Jeff Benjamin and I’m running for City Mayor OF Miami and I will win.When I become Mayor Of Miami this City will have a robust economy , no more taxation by representation, no more building empty City high rises ,25,000 jobs in my first year, better graduation rates, safer schools, more police officers policing our neighborhoods , lower taxes , a balanced City budget and most importantly an efficient public transportation system.
I will be that innovative progressive thinking Mayor the City Of Miami yearns for . I will cut  unemployment in half and create numerous job openings that pay well. I will create a City that is once more  admired around the world as a crucible of creative thought, a force for progress, a place where dreams of generations become reality.
The Bad News:
You have one more year of Mayor Regalado and a do nothing City Administration.
Here is an unforgettable quote from City Administrators for the 2011 yearly fiscal budget
“It shocks me both that I haven’t heard about the deficit and that it’s that large”
From the very people who are responsible for the budget…

I come today not to talk about them  but about us  and what our campaign  can do for this city and for you. You the citizens  know far more about them than I do and you know best what is needed. As Mayor I want Miami to become once again  an epicenter of  ingenuity , so we can  show the world  how we can rebuild and apply enduring American middle class values throughout this City. Remove ourselves from the list as to number one City to find a job.
We all have responsibilities especially  as citizens to include everyone in our City the promise of this new stewardship.From the start, my campaigns  greatest mission has been the fulfillment of  my promise  opportunity for all, best secured by  working together toward better neighborhoods and communities .
As City Mayor Of Miami, I  believe the spark of possibility burns deep within every child, that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. The history of our great City  can only be understood if you have the passion and that  constant striving to do better, no matter where you are or who you are . From Over Town  to Silver Bluff , Homeless Shelters to City Offices . I hear your voices  to widen that circle of opportunity, to deepen the meaning of  opportunity  and to create an indivisible structure  that knows no race, color creed or class . To make real the promises and keep them , to  believe in who I am and what I  do. I say to you e very  generation has been called upon to meet this challenge. And as we approach a new year  and a new beginning ,our generation must answer the call.
2012 …Our Campaign enters the world of  tomorrows at a remarkable time in history let’s make a stand together .
My profound thanks to the following individuals & companies:
Gilda & Allan Schwalb , Mayor Rahm Emanuel City Of Chicago,  White House Chief Of Staff Bill Daley, Senator John McCain, Lauren Alexon, Gia Salazar, Djems Le Peyizan, Geoffrey Sanon-Jules, Ian Liverpool, Ralph Ramsey, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Claus Blohm, Cheryl Ann Fox, Kieron Joseph Samaroo, Karla Dufeal, Neil Parsan, Roxanne Bartley , Shay Heath…
Syltbar , Chivas Regal ,American ,Hewlett Packard ,                             TMobile , The Carlton Savannah , Hampton Inn
Thank you for your continuing support                                                                 

Mayoral Candidate City of Miami
Jeff Benjamin
P.O. Box 330164
Miami, FL 33233
Lauren Alexon
Chief Campaign Officer

I am Jeff Benjamin and I approve this message.